Saturday, June 16, 2018

hristian Music Video | "Thanks and Praise to Almighty God" | Live in the Light of God

Christian Music Video | "Thanks and Praise to Almighty God" | Live in the Light of God
We have been brought before God. His words we eat and drink.Holy Spirit enlightens, we understand truth God speaks.Rituals of religion, we’ve cast them off, all those bonds.Unrestrained by rules, our hearts released.And we are happy as can be, living in God’s light,happy as can be, living in God’s light.Thanks and praise to Almighty God,who expresses truth to all mankind.Thanks and praise to Almighty God,we have a way to change,and our vague faith subsides.We sing praise, oh.

Friday, June 15, 2018

God’s Salvation Resurrects Me From the Dead

 Eastern Lightning the Church of Almighty God, salvation

By Yang Mei

In 2007, I got chronic renal failure all of a sudden. Upon learning this, my mother and sister-in-law who were believers in the Lord, as well as some of my Catholic friends all came to preach the gospel to me. They told me that as long as I turned to God, I would be healed of my sickness. But I didn’t believe there was a God at all. Rather, in my view, we should rely on science to cure our illnesses

Thursday, June 14, 2018

How to Pray to Gain God’s Praise? The 4 Point Are the Key

Eastern Lightning the Church of Almighty God,Pray

Every brother and sister knows that prayer is a way by which we communicate with God. Therefore, apart from in the morning and evening, we also pray before and after meals, at gatherings, on the Sabbath, and so on. However, how exactly should we pray so that our prayers can be accepted by God and conform to His will? Each brother and sister should know it. In fact, the Lord Jesus has already told us the answer to this question. Let us seek this aspect of the truth together.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Best Christian Testimony | Christian Movie | "The Exchange: Account of an Interrogation"

The Best Christian Testimony | Christian Movie | "The Exchange Account of an Interrogation"

Jiang Xinyi is a regional leader of The Church of Almighty God in a particular area in China. She loves the truth and has a sense of righteousness. She has received Almighty God's work of the last days for more than ten years. She understands that only Christ is the truth, the way and the life and that only Christ of the last days, Almighty God can save mankind, free them from sin and guide them onto the right path of human life.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Best Christian Movie | "Yearning" | God Reveals the Mystery of Kingdom of Heaven (English Dubbed)

Two thousand years ago, the Lord Jesus promised His followers: "I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also" (John 14:2-3). Because of this, generations of believers have continued to obsessively hope and pray for the fulfillment of the Lord's promise, and hope and pray that they are raptured into the heavens to meet the Lord and enter into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord comes. 

Monday, June 11, 2018

How to Watch and Wait for the Lord’s Return to Conform With His Will?

Eastern Lightning the Church of Almighty God,salvation

Li Yang

It was a summer afternoon, the blazing sun was beating down. Li Jiayin and several co-workers were sitting in the shadow of an old locust tree. Watching the old tree, she recollected her childhood, in which she used to sit under the tree with her uncle, hearing him tell Bible stories and the testimonies of experiences of the spiritual seniors. A few years ago, her uncle once reminded her to be watchful. Now, disasters are getting worse and worse, and the four blood moons have appeared.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Christian Short Sketch "A Warning From History" (English Skit)

Two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus appeared and worked, the Pharisees clung to the laws and condemned His work, saying that His work went beyond the Scriptures. To protect their status and livelihood, they strove with all their might to stop people from seeking the Lord Jesus' work, and joined forces with the Roman government to nail Him to the cross.