Monday, January 7, 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Caught the Last Train" (1) - Search for the Lord's Footprints

The church is desolate and the flock is lost. What is the root cause? Where is the Lord?

Chen Peng was a pastor in a house church. He had burden for the church work, and ministered to the believers year after year. But in recent years, the church became overwhelmingly desolate. More and more believers became passive, weak, and no long attended the church services. Meanwhile, Pastor Chen felt dry in spirit and had nothing to preach…. He tried many ways to revive the church, but all his efforts ended up in vain…. By chance, he heard Almighty God’s end-time gospel. After an intense debate, he finally found the cause why the church became desolate—God has been incarnated and does a new work. Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus. Only those who follow the Lamb’s footsteps can get the watering and supply of the living water of life.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Gospel Movie Clip (4) - Christ of the Last Days Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth

In the Age of Law and the Age of Grace, God spoke some words which were stern and which rebuked people. What is the difference between these words and the words of judgment expressed by God as He does His work of judgment in the last days? What exactly is judgment? How does God's work of judgment in the last days judge and purify man?

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit" (2) - Can the Saved Enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus did the work of redemption that absolved us of all our sins. As long as we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior and pray and confess our sins to the Lord, then our sins will be absolved and we will be saved through our faith. So what exactly does "being saved" here mean? Can we be raptured and enter the kingdom of heaven by believing in the Lord, coming under His grace and being saved?

Friday, January 4, 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit" (1) - Exploring the Cause of Desolate Churches

In recent years, the religious world has become more and more desolate and there have been more and more iniquities, pastors and elders have nothing to preach and have lost the work of the Holy Spirit. Would you like to know the cause of the desolation of the religious world? Would you like to obtain the work of the Holy Spirit and keep pace with the Lamb's footsteps? Then watch this clip!

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Stinging Memories" (8) - Christ of the Last Days Brings the Way of Eternal Life

Christ of the last days has shown man the way to the kingdom of heaven and brought man the way of eternal life. Have you received the way of eternal life He grants us? Please stay tuned!

Fan Guoyi was an elder of a house church in China. In his over twenty years of service, he always emulated Paul, sacrificing for the Lord zealously and working hard. He firmly believed that he was doing the will of the heavenly Father by pursuing that way and he would surely be raptured to the kingdom of heaven at the return of the Lord. However, when Almighty God’s end-time salvation came upon him, he clung to his notions, rejecting, resisting, and condemning it time and time again…. Later, after several debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God, Fan Guoyi finally woke up. He truly understood the meaning of doing the will of the heavenly Father and the way of pursuing to be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven….

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Stinging Memories" (7) - The Way of Removing Sin

Do you know how God carries out the work of judging and purifying man?

Fan Guoyi was an elder of a house church in China. In his over twenty years of service, he always emulated Paul, sacrificing for the Lord zealously and working hard. He firmly believed that he was doing the will of the heavenly Father by pursuing that way and he would surely be raptured to the kingdom of heaven at the return of the Lord. However, when Almighty God’s end-time salvation came upon him, he clung to his notions, rejecting, resisting, and condemning it time and time again…. Later, after several debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God, Fan Guoyi finally woke up. He truly understood the meaning of doing the will of the heavenly Father and the way of pursuing to be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven….

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Gospel Movie Clip "Stinging Memories" (6) - Discuss Salvation and Entry Into the Kingdom of Heaven

Christian Film Clip "Stinging Memories" (6) - Discuss Salvation and Entry Into the Kingdom of Heaven

Fan Guoyi was an elder of a house church in China. In his over twenty years of service, he always emulated Paul, sacrificing for the Lord zealously and working hard. He firmly believed that he was doing the will of the heavenly Father by pursuing that way and he would surely be raptured to the kingdom of heaven at the return of the Lord. However, when Almighty God’s end-time salvation came upon him, he clung to his notions, rejecting, resisting, and condemning it time and time again…. Later, after several debates with the preachers from the Church of Almighty God, Fan Guoyi finally woke up. He truly understood the meaning of doing the will of the heavenly Father and the way of pursuing to be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven….